God has not abandoned us, even in this never-ending storm

Twenty-twenty has been a never-ending storm that can fray even the calmest of nerves. In addition to the COVID-19 pandemic and racial tensions throughout the country, the upcoming presidential election continues to divide the country even further, and Tropical Storm Laura is

You will be rebuilt

Renée Darline Roden writes about a recent painful experience of recovery from a torn hip labrum injury. She writes, “Health can be regained even when our bodies deviate from the ‘norm.’ In fact, there is no norm. When we heal, we do

Jesus’ untold years

Question: Why do the Gospels omit so much of Jesus’ life? It would have been edifying to see how he lived as a child, teenager and adult. As a parent I would love to show my daughter, “See, this is how Jesus

God winks

As Catholics we hear quite a bit about the love of God. We are reminded through the Mass Readings that God is always with us and we need not worry or be afraid. Sometimes, however, when we get back to those challenges

Understanding the ‘dark night of the soul’

When the world looked at the face of Blessed Teresa of Kolkata, it saw pure, simple joy. Then, in 2007, 10 years after Blessed Teresa’s death, a collection of her private letters was published. Suddenly, the joy that the tiny sister from